03 Jul
International plastic bag free day is a global initiative that aims to eliminate or radically reduce the use of single-use plastic bags in the world and to make society aware of the over-consumption of plastic bags and disposable products and work towards developing more responsible and more environmentally friendly habits.
Individuals and groups from around the world held events and made statements in support of a move away from disposable plastic.
The purpose of the day is to emphasise the alternatives to single-use plastic bags and the dangers they present to marine and land ecosystems. Some groups gather supporters and take to the streets with placards to share their message with passers-by. They campaign with local businesses and shoppers, exchanging reusable cloth bags for single-use plastic bags.
Individuals and groups from around the world held events and made statements in support of a move away from disposable plastic.
The purpose of the day is to emphasise the alternatives to single-use plastic bags and the dangers they present to marine and land ecosystems. Some groups gather supporters and take to the streets with placards to share their message with passers-by. They campaign with local businesses and shoppers, exchanging reusable cloth bags for single-use plastic bags.