12 Oct
So frustrated you could scream? Screaming can make you feel better when you are frustrated. International Moment of Frustration Scream Day, celebrated on October 12th is a day for just that!
At 1200 Greenwich time people around the world will join together for 30 seconds to feel the angst and let it all out in a furious howler! 'So go on, get outside and instead of a moment of silence, have a moment of loudness.
On this day every year you can share your frustrations with all the citizens of the world.
This holiday was created by Thomas & Ruth Roy under the name of Wellcat Holidays & Herbs and is co-sponsored by Low Thresholders of the Earth League.
At 1200 Greenwich time people around the world will join together for 30 seconds to feel the angst and let it all out in a furious howler! 'So go on, get outside and instead of a moment of silence, have a moment of loudness.
On this day every year you can share your frustrations with all the citizens of the world.
This holiday was created by Thomas & Ruth Roy under the name of Wellcat Holidays & Herbs and is co-sponsored by Low Thresholders of the Earth League.