01 Jun
The United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/66/292 established June 1 as the Global Day of Parents, to be observed annually honoring parents throughout the world. The resolution invites Member States to celebrate the day in partnership with civil society, in particular involving young people and children.
Parents are the people who make us better individuals. Be it biological parents, step-parents, grand parents or even adoptive parents; love for a child remains the same in the eyes of everyone. Though we may forget them in our busy lives, they never forget us. They are people who remain in the thick and thin of our lives. Parents Day is an excellent occasion to thank them for being what they are and for what they have been doing for us. It is a day for celebrating their love, letting them know that we care for them and that they are always there in our hearts, though we might not be able to articulate it more so often.
Parents are the people who make us better individuals. Be it biological parents, step-parents, grand parents or even adoptive parents; love for a child remains the same in the eyes of everyone. Though we may forget them in our busy lives, they never forget us. They are people who remain in the thick and thin of our lives. Parents Day is an excellent occasion to thank them for being what they are and for what they have been doing for us. It is a day for celebrating their love, letting them know that we care for them and that they are always there in our hearts, though we might not be able to articulate it more so often.