World Day against Trafficking in Persons

30 Jul
In December 2013, the United Nations General Assembly decided by its Resolution 68/192 'Improving the coordination of efforts against trafficking in persons' to observe July 30 as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons. The rationale behind the choice of this date lies in the fact that the UN Global Plan of Action against Trafficking in Persons, the first universal and comprehensive document concerning the issue of combating human trafficking, was adopted on July 30, in 2010. The Global Plan of Action, which calls for integrating the fight against human trafficking into the United Nations' broader programmes to boost development and strengthen security around the world, was defined by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as 'a clarion call' of the need to take immediate steps 'to stop this terrible crime against human dignity, which shames us all'.

30 July 2014 is the UN's first World Day against Trafficking in Persons. The day is aimed at raising awareness around this global issue and to highlight the plight of the millions of women, men and children who are victims of trafficking from all corners of the world, as well as at encouraging people to take action against this crime.