18 Apr
International Jugglers Day celebrates the skill of juggling, and those talented people who can juggle many balls and objects at a time. Common objects include: balls, clubs, swords, plates, rings, and flaming sticks. The best jugglers can juggle up to ten balls at a time.
Juggling is a skill and form of entertainment that has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Some of the earliest recorded history supplies proof that juggling was around during the early days of civilized Man. Juggling is primarily entertainment. It is most well documented in Medieval times in Europe. It remains popular today. It can be most frequently seen when the circus comes to town.Some might suggest that office workers are juggles, as they multi- task and keep several "balls" (projects) going at the same time.Celebrate Juggling Day by watching a juggler at work. Better still, get several balls and give juggling a try.
There is another day to celebrate juggler's : World Juggler's Day around middle of June.