Festival Of Enormous Changes At The Last Minute

30 Dec
New Year's Day is just two days away. Do you have your resolutions ready? If not, then the Festival Of Enormous Changes At The Last Minute could be the perfect holiday. How many years have we made our New Year's resolutions on the spot during the heat of the New Year's Eve moment while under the spell of the bubbly? Or, the next morning while recovering from its spell? This is the holiday that encourages us to plan ahead. To review the past year(s) unrushed with a clear mind to think about the life changes we'd like to make with the clean start of the coming year.

It's curious that this holiday refers to itself as a festival. Does this simply that we should invite a few friends and family to help us in our brainstorming of the enormous changes that we should make? Might be a little too much honesty going on for that to work out well. Perhaps, the festival meaning is that many of us will be simultaneously performing this activity on our own. We think we'll go with the latter interpretation.